I am a proud member of the ASA (Australian Society of Anaesthetists), ANZCA (Australian, New Zealand College of Anaesthetists) and the AMA (Australian Medical Association). I am also a member of Anasesthesia Associates, a group of highly skilled Anaesthetists providing quality anaesthesia and pain management services to over 70 surgeons and other specialist medical providers in Sydney. www.anaesthesiaassociates.com.au
I currently work as an Anaesthetist, predominantly in private practice in Sydney. I currently holds privileges in anaesthesia at Norwest Private Hospital, Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Castle Hill Hospital Westmead Private Hospital, Medica the Surgery Centre Hurstville and North Shore Private Hospital, and am also a Consultant Anaesthetist at The Bankstown Hospital in South West Sydney, a public teaching hospital of the University N.S.W. I am the current Chairman of the Department of Anaesthetics at Norwest Private Hospital.
I provides anaesthesia and acute pain management services for a range of surgical specialties including orthopaedic surgery, general and laparoscopic surgery, breast cancer and breast/endocrine surgery, dental surgery, vascular surgery, plastic surgery and gyneacology/IVF/obstetric/laparoscopic gyneacologic surgery. I also provides epidural pain relief in labour at The Hills and North Shore Private.